Just got a great email from Mel Quick at greengoat.com.au who told us that she got a story straight away, the first time she sent her press release out! It makes us so proud to hear that you are having success with our media lists – and your talent of course! Either email us or post your story on our Have Your Say page. Or you can take a look at what other people have said.
Simone has gone to Thailand this week as a surprise for her cousin’s wedding so I’m holding the fort. Oh what fun!
What has this week been like for you? Are you getting ready to send out a media release about your product or service with a Mother’s Day theme? We will be putting a Mother’s Day media contact list on the site shortly and you will want to send out to the media straight away if you want them to know in time.
Make sure you register for the newsletter and we’ll let you know when the list is up there!
Til next time…
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